What medicine to take for hypertension

safely Ask questions at 11:21:00, May 26, 2024
Recommended answer

Hypertension is a common disease in clinic, which can cause arteriosclerosis of heart and brain vessels, as well as hypertensive nephropathy, hypertensive heart disease and other complications. Therefore, the emergence of hypertension requires active changes in lifestyle and habits, as well as drug treatment. First of all, we should eat a low salt and low-fat diet. It is best to control the intake of salt within 6 grams per day. We should eat less animal viscera, egg yolks, fat meat, and lard, and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits with low sugar content. Secondly, exercise more to reduce weight. In terms of medicine, drugs such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and calcium channel antagonists can be selected. Long acting drugs such as lisinopril tablets, benazepril tablets, nifedipine, amlodipine besylate tablets, felodipine, etc. should be selected to reduce blood pressure, and low-dose multi drug combination should be adopted. It is better to control the blood pressure within a reasonable range to minimize the occurrence of hypertension complications and prolong the life of patients.

safely 2024-05-27 10:46:06

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