What kind of ointment is used for skin allergy

Yesterday was all right Ask on 2024-05-18 01:25:32
Recommended answer

Skin allergy can have several clinical manifestations. Severe skin allergy can be manifested as local redness, papules, blisters with exudation as the main manifestation. At this time, we suggest that the local use of normal saline or rivanol solution for wet compress, and then use glucocorticoid ointment externally after the rash is dry. For the skin with local flushing and small papules, which is the main skin allergy, we can directly use glucocorticoid ointment for treatment. Some patients with skin allergy mainly suffer from severe itching. The morphological characteristics of the rash are not obvious. We can take antihistamines orally and drink more water as the main treatment.

Yesterday was all right 2024-05-20 11:10:59

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