Fluffy hair, small curly hair, retro fashion and goddess style

The most familiar stranger Ask questions on 22:53:39, June 12, 2024
Recommended answer

How to perm girls' hair? Such a fluffy perm curl is a must-have for fashionable people to go out of the street. It's a good concave shape. The most hair intensive perm style will make you beautiful and good-looking.

Fluffy small curl perm is recommended. With such a perm, the whole person will become fashionable and modern. Girls with less hair should get it quickly.

If you want to show your hair, then the fluffy small roll can easily save you. It's fashionable and fashionable. You can directly follow the same style of hair. It's very stylish.

When the hair is permed, the whole person will become different. The fluffy curly hair with fashionable hair volume will become more beautiful when it is permed, and instantly enhance the sense of modeling.

This kind of fluffy curly hair, with the side hair pinned up with a hairpin, has greatly enhanced the fashionable beauty, which is sassy and provocative, and full of femininity.

And this kind of perm does not need to be taken care of. It can be grabbed a few times at will. It is simply the savior of the lazy and disabled party. Don't miss it.

The most familiar stranger 2024-06-13 09:57:51

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