Texture perm is in vogue, saving flat hair, doubling face value

Birds in the sky Ask on June 12, 2024-23:02:42
Recommended answer

The fashionable and popular texture perm is recommended, which can directly follow the perm, so that you can instantly have a casual and natural curly hair style, save the thin and soft hair, flat and collapsed head, and get the same hairstyle as soon as possible.

The texture perm is fluffy, casual and personalized. After the perm, the whole person will look much better, so the hair will be more three-dimensional.

The long hair dyed brown is permed, and the texture hot this year is chosen. It is fashionable and not white, and the temperament is doubled.

Long hair curling design with curly texture, even simple hair curling is still very attractive, and the effect should not be too amazing.

You can also choose a semi hot style. This texture perm can double your face value and make it easier to control.

The Japanese style texture perm is the current popular style. It is fashionable and can show hair volume, and is necessary for girls with less hair.

Birds in the sky 2024-06-13 09:57:51

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