What is subcutaneous lipoma

Rainy Rose Ask questions on May 30, 2024-18:02:43
Recommended answer

Lipoma is a common benign tumor, which can occur in all parts of our body. Lipoma can exist wherever there is fat. Ordinary lipomas can be divided into superficial and deep ones. Lipomas located under the skin or on the superficial layer of the nerve membrane are called subcutaneous lipomas. The deep lipoma located in or between muscles is called intramuscular lipoma or intramuscular lipoma. Subcutaneous lipoma is most common in the back, neck, shoulder and abdomen, followed by the proximal limb, rarely in the face. Subcutaneous lipoma is benign soft tissue, usually without symptoms, and will grow slowly. The asymptomatic small lipoma does not need to be treated. If the large lipoma has obvious symptoms, local surgical resection can be performed at this time.

Rainy Rose 2024-06-03 11:50:49

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