What should I do if I have acne

An old urchin Ask on April 27, 2024 05:03:26
Recommended answer

Acne, also known as acne, is a common inflammatory skin disease of hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Its occurrence is related to many factors such as personal constitution, diet, lifestyle, bacterial infection, etc. After acne occurs, first of all, pay attention to keeping the face clean, that is, to ensure smooth discharge of sebaceous glands. You can often use facial cleanser to clean pores or sulfur lotion to clean once or twice a day. In addition, pay attention to avoiding spicy and stimulating foods, especially those that are too greasy, too sweet or too spicy. In addition, pay attention to the regular work and rest, stay up as little as possible, and try not to squeeze them with your hands, otherwise they may leave acne marks. At the same time, some antibiotic ointments can be used externally, such as betopane, clindamycin, metronidazole liniment, or some drugs for regulating hair follicle keratinization, such as adapalene gel, etc. For severe acne, the above two kinds of drugs can also be taken orally at the same time or some Chinese patent drugs for heat clearing and detoxification can be taken orally, such as the commonly used psoriasis Xiata hot tablets. The above scheme is only for reference. Please use the drug according to the drug description or the doctor's advice in a regular hospital.

An old urchin 2024-04-28 18:11:32

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