How to deal with stomachache after taking medicine

Sorrow under pillow Ask questions on April 17, 2024 at 13:25:18
Recommended answer

It mainly depends on how long the stomach ache lasts, what causes the pain, what medicine you take and how much you take, and whether there are other symptoms after taking the medicine for a few days. Only then can you decide what to do if you take the medicine for stomach ache and then feel pain again. Stomachache usually occurs, most of which is caused by acute gastritis. If the acid inhibiting drugs or the drugs that promote gastrointestinal motility do not alleviate, the moderate type of drugs and the symptomatic treatment of Huoxiang Zhengqi Oral Liquid can be given appropriately. If there is frequent stomach pain or a previous history of gastric ulcer, it may be a recurrence of ulcer. It is better to improve gastroscopy and further assist in diagnosis and treatment. If the sudden stomach pain is not relieved, and if the repeated nausea and vomiting are accompanied by fever, it is better to improve the blood amylase, ion analysis, upper abdominal color ultrasound and other related examinations, and eliminate other possible causes. Most stomach pains may show early symptoms of pancreatitis, appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, digestive perforation, etc. Other diseases can also show characteristics similar to stomach pains, so it needs to be differentiated from other diseases.

Sorrow under pillow 2024-04-22 11:41:45

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