How to eat the best cordyceps

Middle aged Ask questions at 12:01:39, April 18, 2024
Recommended answer

Cordyceps sinensis is sweet and smooth. It belongs to the lung and kidney meridians. It has the effects of tonifying the lung and kidney, relieving cough, calming asthma, stopping bleeding and resolving phlegm. This product can be used to treat chronic cough, dyspnea due to fatigue, and hemoptysis. This product is sweet and mild in nature. It can nourish lung qi, lung yin, kidney yang, and blood essence. It can also stop bleeding and dissipate phlegm. It can treat chronic cough, dyspnea due to lung and kidney insufficiency. It has the effect of relieving cough, asthma, and treating both symptoms and root causes. It is often compatible with ginseng and astragalus. In the treatment of hemoptysis, Cordyceps sinensis can be combined with panax notoginseng and lily, and the decoction has good effect on the above diseases. Cordyceps sinensis can tonify kidney yang, benefit kidney essence, and treat impotence and low back pain caused by insufficient kidney yang. It can be taken in wine with good effect, or it can be mixed with prepared rhizome, pilose antler, and Eucommia ulmoides Oliv, and taken orally with powder. Cordyceps sinensis can be used to stew with chicken, duck, fish, etc.

Middle aged 2024-04-22 12:31:36

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