Purpura nephritis can be thoroughly treated by traditional Chinese medicine

The smoke lasts like a picture Ask questions at 20:31:03, April 19, 2024
Recommended answer

Purpura nephritis can not be completely cured by traditional Chinese medicine. Purpura nephritis is mainly secondary kidney disease caused by anaphylactoid purpura. Patients with mild conditions may not need special treatment. Generally, they may recover automatically after a period of time. If the patient's condition is serious, there may be a lot of proteinuria or crescent formation in the glomerulus, or even renal failure. For such patients, glucocorticoid drugs are needed to control allergic reactions, and immunosuppressive drugs are also needed to treat them. Traditional Chinese medicine can only be used as an auxiliary treatment, and a reasonable treatment plan needs to be developed for patients. After treatment, the vast majority of patients are able to recover. However, some patients will repeatedly contact allergens in life. Due to the delay of the disease, they may become chronic nephritis, which is generally incurable.

The smoke lasts like a picture 2024-04-22 11:37:46

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