What to eat for urinary tract infection? There are both appropriate and taboo!

Sitting in the garden watching the sunset Ask questions on June 22, 2024-18:31:35
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More than 90% of urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria, and urinary tract infections can be divided into upper urinary tract infections and lower urinary tract infections according to the infection site. For patients, treatment may be difficult, because once the bacteria cannot be completely removed, they will easily relapse. Therefore, in addition to drug treatment, it is also necessary to make an article on diet.

Urinary tract infection diet

1. Diet Therapy for Urinary Tract Infection

1) Plantain 100g, bamboo leaf heart 10g, raw liquorice 10g each, proper amount of white sugar, decoction substitute tea, 1 dose per day. This prescription has antibacterial and antiviral effects, and has good effects on urinary tract infection, viral hepatitis, etc.

2) 500g fresh mung bean sprouts, squeeze juice and add some white sugar. Drink substitute tea frequently, regardless of quantity. This prescription has curative effect on urinary tract infection, red hot urination, frequent urination, etc.

3) 10 grams of fresh bamboo leaves and 10 grams of white thatch root each, put them in an insulated cup, brew them with boiling water, cover them for 30 minutes, and drink them frequently instead of tea. This is applicable to those with urinary tract infection and red blood cells in urine.

4) 3 for raw astragalus root and 3 for white thatch root

2. Urinary tract infection What food is good for the body?

Generally, patients with urinary tract infection should drink more water and urinate frequently. Drinking at least 2 liters of water and urinating every 2-3 hours is the most practical and effective method.

3. What food should urinary tract infection not eat?

1) The diet of urinary tract infection should be free from flatulence. Flatulence includes milk, soymilk, sugar, etc.

2) Dietary taboo for urinary tract infection. Hair (such as pig head meat, chicken, mushrooms, hairtail, crabs, bamboo shoots, peaches, etc.).

3) The diet of urinary tract infection should not promote damp and heat. Including alcohol, desserts and high-fat foods.

4) The diet of urinary tract infection should not be spicy. These foods can aggravate the symptoms of urinary tract irritation and make urination difficult.

5) Avoid acidic food in the diet of urinary tract infection. Sour foods include pork, beef, chicken, duck, eggs, carp, oysters, shrimp, as well as flour, rice, peanuts, barley, beer, etc. The acidity and alkalinity of urine are closely related to the growth of bacteria and the antibacterial activity of drugs. The purpose of avoiding acidic food is to make the urine alkaline and enhance the ability of antibiotics

6) Urinary tract infection diet high sugar food. Since sugars can also increase acidity in the body, foods with high sugar content also need to be limited.

Sitting in the garden watching the sunset 2024-06-24 11:43:28

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