What supplements to take for lung cancer chemotherapy

A real traveler's province is boundless Ask questions on 2024-05-27 09:02:10
Recommended answer

During chemotherapy, patients with lung cancer should eat some simple, light and nutritious food. The supplements that are too difficult to digest should not be eaten. At this time, they can eat some fish and shrimp food, or drink some milk, or eat some lean meat, or eat some chicken as supplements. During chemotherapy for lung cancer, you can also eat some bird's nest properly. Bird's nest has the effect of clearing the lung, which is good for patients with lung cancer. Patients with lung cancer must pay attention to that any cold, greasy and irritating food is absolutely not edible, which will induce or aggravate cough, and even lead to some dyspepsia. Patients with lung cancer must pay attention not to smoke, quit smoking as soon as possible, do not smoke passively, and do not touch some toxic chemicals. The above methods are for reference only. It is better to consult a professional doctor in the hospital for specific inspection and treatment measures.

A real traveler's province is boundless 2024-06-03 12:09:27

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