What is the most effective medicine for urinary tract infection

Bamboo Ask questions at 01:15:02, May 18, 2024
Recommended answer

The most effective drug for urinary tract infection is based on the patient's condition, as well as the patient's age and gender. We often say that when a normal adult is diagnosing urinary tract infection, the most commonly used effective drug is a combination of levofloxacin hydrochloride tablets and Sanjin tablets. A 3-5 day comprehensive antibacterial treatment should be carried out. At the same time of treatment, the urine of the patient should also be selected to retain urine bacteria for cultivation and drug sensitivity. According to the results of drug sensitivity, dynamically select the replacement of antibiotics. If the patient is too old, we often use cephalosporins, such as ceftriaxone sodium. If the patient is young, we often use cefuroxime axetil tablets. In some special cases, we need to take some antifungal treatment.

Bamboo 2024-05-20 11:16:00

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