How long will hemorrhoids be cured after operation

Silent Knight Ask questions at 17:00:24 on May 23, 2024
Recommended answer

Hemorrhoids can be recovered within 3-4 weeks after operation. After the hemorrhoids are cut off by surgery, a wound will be formed, and the recovery will take a period of time. Local disinfection of the wound every day, regular dressing change, combined with traditional Chinese medicine sitz bath, infrared physiotherapy and other methods can promote the gradual healing of hemorrhoids, which can take 3-4 weeks to recover. If the wound is infected due to careless care after the operation, the wound healing time will be prolonged. After hemorrhoid surgery, you should eat food that is easy to digest, not spicy food, and take good care of the wound according to the doctor's advice, which will help the wound recovery.

Silent Knight 2024-05-27 11:09:16

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