How to treat slight cerebral hemorrhage?

Sky Mirror Yunsheng Ask questions on 2024-04-16 20:05:03
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Minor intracerebral hemorrhage usually has a small amount of bleeding, and the bleeding site may not be very critical, and the impact on the patient's limbs or other functions is relatively small. This kind of slight cerebral hemorrhage is generally treated conservatively, that is, it can be absorbed slowly by the patient. It can be combined with some drugs that nourish brain cells. If the patient has a headache, a small amount of dehydration drugs can be added appropriately. In addition, it is also very important to find the cause of cerebral hemorrhage and treat the cause. The main possible cause is hypertension. Therefore, hypotension is also important for cerebral hemorrhage.

Sky Mirror Yunsheng 2024-04-22 11:40:00

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