What kind of medicine does onychomycosis take

Be down-to-earth Ask questions at 05:36:58, 2024-05-17
Recommended answer

Grey nail is a nail disease caused by fungal infection of the deck. It is difficult to treat, easy to relapse, and takes a long time. The key is to insist on medication, which is generally combined with oral and topical antifungal drugs. Oral drugs include itraconazole intermittent pulse therapy, or terbinafine tablets, 250 mg per day, taken for three to six months. The drugs for external use mainly include glacial acetic acid solution, iodine tincture, amorofen liniment and other drugs, which are externally applied to the diseased nail twice a day for three to six months until the formation of new nail.

Be down-to-earth 2024-05-20 11:55:28

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