How to deal with chronic pharyngitis and cough

Laugh at life Ask questions on 2024-05-16 13:48:43
Recommended answer

If the patient is confirmed to have chronic pharyngitis after examination, it is recommended to take the method of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine for clinical treatment. During the acute episode of chronic pharyngitis, the inflammation is easy to stimulate the mucous membrane nerves of the respiratory tract and cause cough symptoms, so it needs to use sufficient antibiotics together with symptomatic drugs for relieving cough and resolving phlegm. In the stable stage of pharyngitis, it is recommended to choose Chinese medicine preparations for clearing heat and detoxification, clearing throat and moistening throat after being diagnosed by Chinese medicine. At ordinary times, we should pay attention to regular work and rest, light diet, and avoid smoking and alcohol.

Laugh at life 2024-05-20 11:59:53

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