What is the cause of coughing and peeing pants

Be happy to know the destiny Ask questions at 10:00:55 on May 28, 2024
Recommended answer

Coughing in urine pants is mainly caused by the abnormal relaxation of bladder smooth muscle and the inability to absorb urine normally. For example, if you have bladder stones or bladder cysts, the bladder wall will be compressed, resulting in abnormal bladder contraction, which will lead to this phenomenon. Secondly, when the peripheral nerve of the bladder is malnourished, it will affect the innervation of the bladder nerve to the muscle. At this time, the bladder muscle is difficult to contract normally. When coughing or doing strenuous exercise, the phenomenon of urinating pants will also occur. Finally, the obstruction of the lower urinary tract will lead to the increase of the internal pressure of the urethra and bladder. In this case, it is easy to make the bladder abnormal filling. After filling, cough or jump rope, do squatting exercises. The high pressure in the abdomen will force the bladder, which will also lead to the involuntary outflow of urine from the urethra.

Be happy to know the destiny 2024-06-03 11:55:54

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