Can hyperthyroidism cause a large neck

Goodbye Yesterday Ask questions at 22:13:55, May 13, 2024
Recommended answer

Hyperthyroidism patients will have a large neck, but not all hyperthyroidism patients will have a thick neck. The neck of a few hyperthyroidism patients can be normal, that is, there is no thyroid enlargement. Of course, not all large necks are hyperthyroidism, such as simple goiter, whose thyroid function is in the normal range. For the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism patients, we mainly rely on the symptoms, signs and laboratory tests of patients. Symptoms include fear of heat and sweating, overeating and hunger, weight loss, increased stool frequency, palpitations, tremors, etc. Signs include protruding eyes, goiter, and fast heart rate. Laboratory examination mainly depends on thyroid function. If free T3, free t4, total t3 and total t4 are increased and tsh is decreased, hyperthyroidism can be diagnosed by combining these. At present, there are three ways to treat hyperthyroidism: drugs, iodine 131 and surgery.

Goodbye Yesterday 2024-05-20 11:18:21

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