I have a pimple on my neck Why

Listen to the spring Ask questions on 2024-05-15 01:29:24
Recommended answer

Acne, also known as acne, is a common inflammatory hair follicle sebaceous gland disease in dermatology. Acne is a multifactorial disease, which has the following reasons. First, acne occurs on the neck, most likely due to excessive sebum secretion, which is the basic pathological basis of acne. The development of sebaceous glands is also closely related to androgen levels. When androgen content increases, sebaceous glands function vigorously, which may lead to excessive sebum secretion, As a result, acne will grow. In addition, the abnormal keratinization of cells around the hair follicle is also an important factor in the occurrence of acne. The excessive proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes can also promote the occurrence of acne. In addition to the above reasons, there are also some inducing factors, such as irregular eating habits, long-term high sugar diet, excessive psychological pressure, or long-term use of certain drugs may lead to acne on the neck. It is recommended to see a doctor in a regular hospital early.

Listen to the spring 2024-05-20 11:18:21

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