Why do you have pimples on your neck

Smiling face with red eyes Ask questions at 22:52:04, May 15, 2024
Recommended answer

Neck pimples may be caused by daily life, eating habits or poor cleanliness. Often staying up late and working tiredly in daily life can easily lead to endocrine disorders, which can make sebum secretion serious and further exacerbate acne. Eating fried food is not easy to digest, liver metabolism is slow, too many oily secretions are produced on the skin, blocking the pores, and the metabolites in the body can not be normally secreted into the body, leading to endocrine disorder. After a long time, inflammation will occur in the pores, and acne will also occur. Do not pay attention to the hygiene of the neck in life, and do not clean the neck for a long time. The accumulated oily secretion cannot be cleaned, which leads to the growth of acne. You can choose to use appropriate anti-inflammatory ointment for external use.

Smiling face with red eyes 2024-05-20 11:18:17

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