What to do without ejaculation

A solo Ask questions at 09:35:58, May 20, 2024
Recommended answer

The treatment of non ejaculation should first clarify its etiology, as follows: 1. Functional non ejaculation; 2. Organic non ejaculation. Functional non ejaculation is generally caused by long-term masturbation. It is necessary to stop masturbation, reduce the frequency of sexual intercourse, and then gradually return to normal ejaculation. If the above methods still can not alleviate the symptoms, some drugs should be used for treatment, such as traditional Chinese medicine for tonifying the kidney, promoting blood circulation and unblocking collaterals. Some western medicines, such as alpha receptor stimulants, can also be used. Organic non ejaculation usually needs to be treated with electric semen extractor. If ejaculation is still impossible after the above treatment, sperm can be taken from the epididymis or testis to achieve the purpose of assisted reproduction.

A solo 2024-05-27 10:56:19

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