Drugs for treatment of ganglion cyst

Pine of Fog Island Ask questions on 2024-05-18 20:57:09
Recommended answer

For tendon sheath cysts with a short initial attack time, local symptomatic treatment can be given by local massage, hot compress, and local external application of some ointment to promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, diminish swelling and relieve pain. If the tendon sheath cyst occurs within one month, the above symptomatic massage and physical therapy can promote its absorption, and some patients with sword sheath cyst may not have obvious improvement. Surgical resection should be considered for recurrent or persistent phenomenon without obvious regression. The drugs for the treatment of ganglion cysts are still topical ointment such as detumescence and pain relief. Oral medicine is mainly used to relieve pain, remove blood stasis, and the corresponding therapeutic drugs, but their effects are not obvious. Therefore, surgical resection should be considered in the end.

Pine of Fog Island 2024-05-20 11:56:37

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