What is the cause of high white blood cells

juvenile male Ask questions at 18:58:26, May 21, 2024
Recommended answer

The high white blood cells may be caused by lung infection, urogenital system infection, or intestinal infection. These infectious diseases will lead to high white blood cells, and also accompanied by infectious symptoms. For example, pneumonia patients will have shortness of breath, cough and sputum, chest tightness, high fever and other clinical symptoms. At the same time, dehydration can also cause blood concentration or leukocytosis, and it does not rule out the possibility of leukemia. It is better to go to the local regular hospital for bone marrow puncture examination to determine the proportion of primitive cells or immature cells in the bone marrow, so as to determine whether there is abnormality in chromosomes or genes, or whether there is leukemia.

juvenile male 2024-05-27 11:12:32

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