Treatment of lymphadenopathy

Laugh at life Ask questions on April 16, 2024:22:59
Recommended answer

Anti infection treatment, anti tuberculosis treatment and other clinical treatments for lymphadenopathy mainly include the following aspects: first, anti infection treatment. If the patient's lymphadenopathy is caused by inflammation, it is recommended that the patient take active anti infection treatment. The type, dose and frequency of antibiotics should be combined with the patient's condition, Under the guidance of professional doctors, the application can achieve good clinical treatment effect. 2、 Anti tuberculosis treatment. If the patient's lymph node enlargement is caused by tuberculosis, it is recommended that the patient take active anti tuberculosis drug treatment. 3、 Some patients need chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, etc. If the patient's lymph node enlargement is caused by lymphoma, the patient needs chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc. If the patient's lymph node enlargement is caused by gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, thyroid cancer, and breast cancer metastasis, the patient needs surgery. After surgery, some patients also need some other adjuvant treatment, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc., which is conducive to the control of the patient's condition.

Laugh at life 2024-04-22 12:31:44

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