39 pictures of marigold

Between two smokes and water Ask on 2024-06-03 21:28:05
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Tagetes pictures

Tagetes erecta (scientific name: Tagetes erecta), also known as Hibiscus odorata, is a plant of the genus Tagetes in Compositae. It is native to Mexico, and is cultivated for viewing in all parts of China. It can grow in areas between 1150 meters and 1480 meters above sea level, mostly in roadside meadows. Tagetes erecta is often sown in spring. Because of its large flowers and long flowering period, it is often used for flower bed setting. Marigold is now used to extract edible pigment E161b.

Tagetes pictures

Tagetes pictures

Tagetes pictures

Tagetes pictures

Tagetes pictures

Tagetes pictures

Tagetes pictures

Tagetes pictures

Tagetes pictures

Tagetes pictures

Tagetes pictures

Tagetes pictures

Tagetes pictures

Tagetes pictures

Tagetes pictures

Tagetes pictures

Between two smokes and water 2024-06-07 10:04:31

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