Do gallstones cause back pain

Lonely Traveler Ask questions at 19:49:41 on June 2, 2024
Recommended answer

The acute attack of gallstones may cause back pain. The main reason is that there is inflammation in the gallbladder, which is relatively heavy, causing the diaphragm or phrenic nerve to be affected, so the patient will have back pain. For patients with gallstones, ultrasound examination of liver and gallbladder is generally required to make a clear diagnosis. Because the diagnostic rate of hepatobiliary ultrasound for stones is very high, which can find that there are stones in the gallbladder, or there is fluid in the gallbladder, as well as inflammation and edema in the gallbladder wall. In addition, it is also necessary to check the blood routine to know whether the inflammatory cells, such as white blood cells and neutrophils, are elevated. At the same time, if the patient has back pain, it can also be considered that it is caused by other diseases, such as pancreatitis, which may cause back pain. Generally, the pain is around the navel or horizontally distributed in the upper abdomen. The patient will have abdominal distension, bowel sounds disappear, and stop exhaust and defecation. It is necessary to check blood, urine, amylase and blood lipase, and check the upper abdominal CT to understand the situation of the pancreas.

Lonely Traveler 2024-06-03 12:14:23

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