Does cirrhosis require surgery

A red heart Ask on 2024-06-02 14:26:37
Recommended answer

Whether liver cirrhosis needs surgery depends on the specific situation. Simple compensatory cirrhosis generally does not require special treatment, and regular reexamination and symptomatic treatment are enough. In case of decompensated cirrhosis with recurrent upper gastrointestinal bleeding and hypersplenism, interventional hemostasis can be performed, such as portal systemic venous shunt, surgical hemostasis, or splenic embolization or splenectomy for hypersplenism. Liver transplantation can be performed for end-stage cirrhosis patients with liver failure if their physical conditions permit. Pay attention to the patients with liver cirrhosis. They need to regularly review the liver function, digestive system ultrasound, alpha fetoprotein and other examinations to comprehensively assess the condition, and dynamically observe the changes of the condition.

A red heart 2024-06-03 12:14:20

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