What supplements can tuberculosis patients take

cherish high aspirations Ask questions on 2024-05-22 07:36:05
Recommended answer

For patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, traditional Chinese medicine believes that it belongs to pulmonary tuberculosis, which is easy to cause progressive emaciation. Traditional Chinese medicine belongs to deficiency of both qi and yin. Dry cough, less sputum, hot flashes, night sweats, and even blood in sputum, massive hemoptysis and other symptoms are more common in clinical practice. In addition to standardized anti tuberculosis treatment, diet treatment is also very important, mainly giving the following drugs and food: yam, lily, pseudostellaria, radish, lotus root, vinegar, loquat leaf, mulberry leaf, ophiopogon japonicus. Patients with severe hemoptysis and hot flashes can also be given Ejiao, which has the functions of nourishing yin, blood and dryness. Tuberculosis patients should try not to eat warm, tonic, spicy and stimulating products to avoid inducing hemoptysis. They should try to give food to clear heat, moisten the lungs, nourish yin, and strengthen the spleen, so as to achieve the purpose of cultivating earth to produce gold, moistening the lungs to stop coughing, cooling blood to stop bleeding, and nourishing the heart and tranquilizing the mind.

cherish high aspirations 2024-05-27 10:59:51

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