What's wrong with a pimple on the chin

A hurried traveler Ask on April 15, 2024 23:01:59
Recommended answer

For girls, the acne on the chin will worsen one week before menstruation, which is usually related to the hormone level, that is, endocrine disorders. Usually, the increase of androgen level will cause acne, so if the acne on the jaw occurs repeatedly, or even not when young, it will be after adulthood If you are in your 30s or even 40s and still have repeated pimples in your jaw, you need to check your hormone level. You can go to the hospital and take a blood sample to check your hormone level on the 2-4 days when your menstrual period is red, to see if there is an increase in androgen. If a boy has a pimple on his jaw, it often has a lot to do with staying up late. No matter boys or girls, they should especially pay attention to eating less spicy and stimulating food, greasy and sweet food, and try to eat less food that makes them fat. There are also some reports abroad that drinking milk is also prone to acne, but you can drink some yogurt, because yogurt can improve the intestinal flora. It is reported that the imbalance of intestinal flora is also closely related to acne, so you can drink more yogurt and add some probiotics. In addition, make sure you have stool every day. Constipation has a great impact on acne, so drink more water and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Do not pick out the pimples on the jaw, which are especially easy to leave scars. If you pick it up, some will have small scars, and some may have large hard lumps, forming keloids. All of the above should be noted.

A hurried traveler 2024-04-22 11:49:20

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