What's the matter with swollen hands after waking up

Long Street Old Friends Ask questions on May 15, 2024-18:19:48
Recommended answer

This is often caused by the following factors: First, the blood flow is blocked or the lymph flow is blocked, and someone's hand is pressed under the body when sleeping, which will lead to the blockage of the pipe flow. This can be achieved by local gentle massage, combined with hot compress treatment, and the swelling can be gradually relieved. Second, thrombus can be arterial or venous thrombus, which needs to be checked by color Doppler ultrasound in hospital in time to make sure. If the disease requires thrombolysis or vasodilation, etc. Third, hand infection is caused by trauma or local skin infection. You need to go to the hospital to make sure that the symptoms can be alleviated by generally giving anti-inflammatory treatment. If the swelling continues, you need to see a doctor in time.

Long Street Old Friends 2024-05-20 11:18:14

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