What kind of medicine can be used to treat cervical cyst

Cold light bamboo shadow Ask questions on 2024-05-21 11:26:12
Recommended answer

Nasal sac feeding of cervicitis is a manifestation of chronic cervicitis. Before treatment, it is better to screen for cervical cancer, including cervical liquid based cytology and human papillomavirus. If HPV is negative, cytological examination indicates mild, moderate and severe inflammation. The best treatment for Narschwann's cyst is physical therapy, including microwave, laser, and freezing. You can choose one of them. If you do not want to take physical therapy, any medicine for cervicitis can be used. The main reason for cervical sac feeding is that there are many glands secreting mucus at the cervical part. Under the condition of long-term inflammatory stimulation, the openings of these glands are blocked, so mucus cannot be discharged, forming cysts one by one.

Cold light bamboo shadow 2024-05-27 11:03:01

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