What is Hypertension Level 1

Looking for a bosom friend Ask questions at 17:34:46 on May 24, 2024
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Hypertension level 1 means that the blood pressure is between 140/90-160/100mmHg, and the level 1 of hypertension is slightly elevated. For people with hypertension of grade 1, it is necessary to clarify the cause. If it is secondary hypertension caused by renal insufficiency or Cushing's syndrome, the treatment is the main cause. In most cases, it is primary hypertension, which is related to bad living habits, heredity, increased age and obesity. For primary hypertension, it is mainly through improving bad living habits, generally to control weight, quit smoking and limit alcohol, eat low salt and low-fat diet, and adhere to exercise. If the blood pressure of the patient still cannot fall to normal after lifestyle improvement, oral antihypertensive drugs are needed. Most secondary hypertension can be reduced to normal after the etiology is corrected.

Looking for a bosom friend 2024-05-27 10:46:09

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