What are the hazards of high thyroid stimulating hormone

Starlight on a moonlit night Ask questions at 19:32:19, May 19, 2024
Recommended answer

The high thyroid stimulating hormone is mainly the manifestation of hypothyroidism, which is also harmful to the body. It can cause joint pain, swelling of hands and feet, slow heartbeat, constipation, menstrual disorder or excessive menstruation. In severe cases, it can also cause viscous edema, coma or pericardial effusion, heart failure and other symptoms. The high thyroid stimulating hormone may be due to subclinical hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's thyroiditis, mainly due to insufficient iodine intake. It may also be the abnormal thyroid hormone secretion caused by high life pressure, mental stress, irregular diet and other reasons. It is recommended to go to the hospital in time for thyroid color ultrasound examination and thyroid hormone examination, and carry out the next step of treatment under the guidance of professionals according to the examination results. In daily life, we should also keep a happy mood, avoid excessive mental pressure, and regularly go to the hospital for thyroid function reexamination.

Starlight on a moonlit night 2024-05-20 11:56:11

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