Can hyperthyroidism cause a large neck

Go to the seaside together Ask on 2024-05-17 02:20:21
Recommended answer

Hyperthyroidism patients may have large necks, but some thyroid glands will not increase, depending on the patient's condition. After suffering from hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland of some patients will be diffusely enlarged, and the blood flow signals will be very rich. The texture is soft when touching, and vascular murmurs may also be heard. These patients are often difficult to treat. If patients with hyperthyroidism do not have neck thickening and do not hear vascular murmurs, the condition of thyrotoxicosis will often be improved. In case of hyperthyroidism, active treatment should be given according to the specific situation of the patient, and oral anti hyperthyroidism drugs are the first choice for most patients.

Go to the seaside together 2024-05-20 11:18:21

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