What is the direction of the Twelve Earthly Branches?

morale should be boosted not dampened Ask on 2024-06-05 03:35:26
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Compared with the long history, our time is not even the tip of the iceberg. It is so small that we can hardly experience those wonderful historical stories. However, we can appreciate the Chinese culture with 5000 years of cultural background here. How much do you know about the twelve local cultures? Now, let's have a look.

What is the direction of the twelve branches:
Zi: The five elements belong to Yangshui, which is located in the north.
Ugly: The five elements belong to Yin soil, located in the northeast.
Yin: The five elements belong to Yangmu, located in the northeast.
Mao: The five elements belong to Yin wood, which is located in the east.
Chen: The five elements belong to Yangtu, located in the southeast.
Si: The five elements belong to Yin fire, which is located in the southeast.
Noon: The five elements belong to Yanghuo, ranking in the south.
Wei: The five elements belong to Yin soil, which is located in the southwest.
Shen: The five elements belong to Yangjin, located in the southwest.
You: The five elements belong to Yin Jin, ranking in the west.
Xu: The five elements belong to Yangtu, located in the northwest.
Hai: The five elements belong to Yinshui, located in the northwest.

Time of representatives of the twelve branches
Midnight, also known as midnight, midnight: the first hour of the twelve. (23:00 to 01:00 Beijing time).

[Ugly time] Chicken crowing, also known as wild chicken: the second hour of the twelve hours. (01:00 to 03:00 Beijing time).

[Yinshi] Pingdan, also known as dawn, morning, and sundan, is a time when night and day alternate. (03:00 to 05:00 Beijing time).

[Mao Shi] Sunrise, also known as sunrise, dawn, sunrise, etc., refers to the time when the sun just appeared and began to rise. (05:00 to 07:00 Beijing time).

[Chen Shi] Shishi, also known as Zaoshi, etc.: The time when the ancients' "Chaoshi" was also the time to eat breakfast (07:00 to 09:00 Beijing Time).

[Sishi] Juzhong, also known as Riyu, etc.: the time near noon is called Juzhong. (09:00 to 11:00 Beijing time).

[Noon] Mid day, also known as noon, noon, etc. (11:00 to 13:00 Beijing time).

[Later] Japanese products, also known as "sunset", "central sun", etc.: When the sun goes west, it means "sunset". (13:00 to 15:00 Beijing time).

【 Shenshi 】 Rushi, also known as Ripu, Xishi, etc. (15:00 to 17:00 Beijing time).

[Youshi] Sunrise, also known as sunset, sunset and evening, means the time when the sun sets. (17:00 to 19:00 Beijing time).

[Xu Shi] Dusk, also known as Sunset, Sunset, Sunset, etc.: At this time, the sun has set and it will be dark before dark. The world is yellow and everything is dim, so it is called dusk. (19:00 to 21:00 Beijing time).

[Hai Shi] People are calm, also known as calm and faint: at this time, the night is deep, and people have stopped their activities and slept peacefully. People are calm. (From 21:00 to 23:00 Beijing time).

Twelve Earthly Branches Phase Thrust
The five element attributes of the twelve local branches: Haizi belongs to water, Yinmao belongs to wood, the late afternoon belongs to fire, Shenyou belongs to gold, and Chenxu is not land

The zodiac is dominated by twelve regions: Zimu, Ugly Bull, Yinhu, Mao Rabbit, Chen Long, Si Snake, Wu Ma, Wei Yang, Shen Monkey, Youji, Xu Dog, Hai Pig

The second integration bureau of the twelve local branches: Zichou integration of soil, Yinhai integration of wood, Maoxu integration of fire, Chenyou integration of gold, already applied integration of water, and yet not integration of soil in the afternoon

The three cooperation bureaus of the twelve local branches: Shenzichen Water Cooperation Bureau, Haimao Wood Cooperation Bureau, Yinwuxu Fire Cooperation Bureau, Youyouchou Gold Cooperation Bureau

Twelve local branches and three bureaus: Yinmaochen Huimu Bureau, Wuhuo Bureau at noon, Shenyouxu Huijin Bureau, Haizichou Huishui Bureau

The twelve branches of the earth collide: the meridian collides, the ugly collides, the Yin Shen collides, the Mao You collides, the Chen Xu collides, and the Si Hai collides

The twelve local branches are mutually harmful: Ziwei, Wuchou, Yinsi, Maochen, Shenhai, Youxu

Twelve local branches' punishment: Zimao's punishment is disrespectful, Yinsi's punishment is ungrateful, Ugly Weixu's punishment is based on power, and Chenwu Youhai's punishment is self punishment

Twelve underground branches hidden: Uterus Gui, Ugong Gui Xin, Yin Gong Jia Bing Wu, Mao Gong B, Chen Gong Wu Yi Gui, Si Gong Bing Wu Geng, Wu Gong Ding Ji, Wei Gong Ji Ding Yi, Shen Gong Geng Ren Wu, You Gong Xin, Xu Gong Wu Xin Ding, Hai Gong Ren Jia

The heavenly stems and the earth dominate the five elements: A, B, Yin, Mao, Dongfang Wood, C, Ding, Siwu, Wuji, Zhongtu, Chenxu, Chouwei, Siku, Geng, Xinshen, Youxi, Jin, Ren, Guihai, Zi, Northern Water

Summary: Twelve local branches are also called twelve branches. The general name of Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu and Hai. The heavenly stems and earthly branches form the calendar of ancient Han people. According to Han folklore, heavenly stems correspond to some omens. The ancient people matched it with the heavenly stems to show the order of year, month and time. The old timekeeping system also used local branches to express order, such as Zishi, Jiushi, etc. Twelve months in a year, that is, twelve symbols of the earth branch, one cycle record.

morale should be boosted not dampened 2024-06-07 10:02:47

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