What kind of medicine should be used for boys with red spots on their glans

Girl does not cry when suffering Ask questions on 2024-06-01 10:36:29
Recommended answer

The male glans has red spots, so it is recommended to go to the hospital for inspection, and determine the cause and symptomatic treatment. 1、 If balanitis and bacterial balanitis are confirmed by examination, it is recommended to use a little Baiduobang ointment and apply it three times a day, or use a little erythromycin ointment and apply it three times a day. If it is confirmed that it is caused by local fungal infection, it is recommended to apply a little miconazole ointment three times a day. If it is caused by trichomonal infection, it is recommended to apply a little metronidazole gel three times a day for one week, and observe whether the symptoms are improved. 2、 If syphilis infection is confirmed by examination, it is recommended to be hospitalized for treatment. Benzathine penicillin can be used for intramuscular injection. The treatment course is two weeks, and during the treatment period, taboo sex life is required. 3、 If the foreskin is too long, phimosis, local hygiene is poor or there are many scales on the foreskin, it is recommended to use potassium permanganate solution to dilute it and then wash it locally. After the red spot disappears, circumcision is recommended.

Girl does not cry when suffering 2024-06-03 12:07:13

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