What are the ointment for detumescence and stasis

Gently dance in the sky Ask on 2024-05-26 21:21:51
Recommended answer

It can diminish inflammation, pain and swelling. There are many kinds of plaster for detumescence and stasis, and the following are commonly used: 1. Jingu Tongxiao plaster has the functions of diminishing inflammation, relieving pain, detumescence, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, and tonifying the kidney and bones. 2. Damp and pain relieving cream can effectively dispel wind and dampness, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. 3. Pain cold compress has the effect of promoting blood circulation, detoxification, swelling and pain relief. 4. Shangtong Shutie has the effect of relieving pain, stopping bleeding, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Of course, in addition to these kinds of plasters, there are many other external plasters. Generally, the plaster can play the role of detumescence and stasis. Its main ingredients are frankincense, salvia miltiorrhiza, eupatorium, myrrh, motherwort, etc. When using the medicine for detumescence and blood stasis, try to avoid self use, and be sure to follow the doctor's advice or strictly follow the instructions.

Gently dance in the sky 2024-05-27 10:50:09

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