What diseases can a cold cause

beginner Ask questions on 2024-05-20 00:32:32
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A cold may cause the following diseases: 1. Respiratory system diseases. When the upper respiratory tract infection is not controlled in time, it is easy to cause bronchitis and pneumonia. The patients mainly show cough, runny nose, expectoration, fever and other symptoms. 2. Sinusitis. Common colds can easily cause sinusitis, and patients will have headache and runny nose. 3. Myocarditis is mainly caused by the uncontrollable viral cold. Especially, patients with congenital heart disease are very prone to myocarditis. The patients are mainly flustered, chest tightness, and precordial discomfort. 4. Kidney damage. The body's resistance will be weak after a cold. If it is not treated in time, it may cause nephritis.

beginner 2024-05-27 11:07:12

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