What are the effects and functions of luffa vine water

Old Hunter Ask on 2024-05-18 06:25:34
Recommended answer

Activating blood circulation, removing blood stasis, inhibiting bacteria and beautifying skin. It has a good effect on improving low back pain and menstrual disorders. In addition, luffa vine water can also play a bacteriostatic role, and has a good effect on improving the symptoms of alcoholism, colds and coughs. You can also use luffa vine water to apply to your face, which can play the role of acne removal, blackhead whitening and oil control. However, when applying to your face, you should pay attention to avoiding allergy. You can apply a small amount of it on your body. If there is no allergy, you can apply it to your face, but you should pay attention to hygiene.

Old Hunter 2024-05-20 11:18:17

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