What medicine to take for sore throat when swallowing

northwest wind Ask questions on 2024-05-16 16:24:48
Recommended answer

If the patient has throat pain when swallowing, first take Ganju Bingmei Tablets or Yinhuang Hanhua Tablets, and also take Pudilan anti-inflammatory oral liquid or Shuanghuanglian oral liquid, which can effectively reduce the congestion and inflammation of the throat mucosa of the patient. Normally, the sore throat will get better after taking medicine. If necessary, oral antibiotics should be added to diminish inflammation. Amoxicillin capsules or roxithromycin dispersible tablets are commonly used, and patients can selectively use them. Before use, it is necessary to determine whether there is a history of allergy to drugs to avoid allergic reactions. After active treatment for about three days, the patient's condition should be significantly improved. If there is no improvement, it is better to go to the hospital for further inspection and actively recuperate medication under the guidance of the doctor. In terms of diet, we must pay attention to lightness, and try not to smoke or drink.

northwest wind 2024-05-20 11:21:39

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