What food to eat to reduce the high platelet

Look at the white clouds floating in the sky Ask questions on May 22, 2024-13:36:54
Recommended answer

There is no way to effectively reduce platelets by diet. But you can avoid eating some spicy and stimulating food, and avoid eating some pickled food. A light diet can help reduce the rising platelet. If it is primary thrombocytosis, it will show a continuous upward trend. If it is transient, the transient increase of platelets caused by cold, fever, fungi, bacteria, and virus infection can be effectively adjusted by light diet. If the platelet is continuously greater than 450, bone marrow puncture is required for further diagnosis. The items of bone marrow biopsy include bone marrow cell morphology, bone marrow biopsy, pathology, flow cytometry immunotyping, chromosome, fusion gene and gene mutation. The most common is primary thrombocytosis, which requires oral hydroxyurea or subcutaneous injection of interferon.

Look at the white clouds floating in the sky 2024-05-27 11:05:55

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