What to eat will inhibit the growth of uterine fibroids

Smile to the world Ask on May 20, 2024-19:00:49
Recommended answer

Uterine myoma is a common benign tumor in women. After the diagnosis of hysteromyoma, the doctor should choose the appropriate treatment method according to the size and location of the hysteromyoma under the guidance of the doctor. If it is only a small hysteromyoma and there is no obvious discomfort, you can take Jingangteng capsule, Guizhi Fuling pill and other drugs for treatment. The growth rate of the hysteromyoma should be reviewed regularly. If the hysteromyoma is relatively large, In case of abnormal increase of menstruation, prolonged menstruation and other symptoms, or multiple uterine fibroids, which exceed 5cm, we should go to the hospital for surgery as soon as possible. We should also pay attention to the usual diet, which can not inhibit the growth of uterine fibroids. It is generally recommended to eat a light diet with more vegetables and fruits. Avoid hair products and foods containing estrogen.

Smile to the world 2024-05-27 10:50:12

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