What's wrong with swollen fingers in the morning

Cloud passengers Ask questions on 2024-05-14 12:20:53
Recommended answer

Finger swelling in the morning is the manifestation of finger synovitis, which needs to be checked to confirm or exclude rheumatoid arthritis. It is suggested to check ESR, anti O and rheumatoid factor in local hospitals or TCM hospitals. If rheumatoid arthritis is excluded, it is necessary to consider synovitis caused by finger joint wear, that is, synovitis associated with finger osteoarthritis. Finger osteoarthritis can be treated by soaking hands with Chinese medicine, combined with external application of Chinese medicine anti-inflammatory ointment, to eliminate the inflammatory reaction of synovium and help improve finger swelling. At the same time, we can consider taking traditional Chinese medicine for internal use, such as Tongluo Kaibi Tablet, which can dispel wind, dissipate cold, remove dampness and unblock collaterals.

Cloud passengers 2024-05-20 11:18:14

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