Eye drops for myopia

Why go far without dreams Ask questions at 14:56:19, May 26, 2024
Recommended answer

In case of myopia, a medical optometry must be performed first. Children under 12 years old need to use cycloplegic agent to perform mydriasis optometry after eye drops. Children over 12 years old can consider rapid mydriasis optometry. To get an accurate degree through optometry, frame glasses are needed to correct myopia, and contact lenses can also be considered to correct myopia. For children aged 7 to 8 years or older, they can also choose to use corneal shaping glasses to control and prevent further development of myopia. At the same time, they can also drop atropine eye drops of low concentration under the guidance of doctors to prevent and control the development of myopia. At present, these methods are mainly used to control myopia.

Why go far without dreams 2024-05-27 10:57:15

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