What's wrong with the low level of cereal grass and cereal C

Cold light bamboo shadow Ask on 2024-05-31 08:06:55
Recommended answer

Glutamate, grass and alanine belong to one kind of transaminase, which is an important indicator of liver function. However, the high or low ratio of cereal grass to glutamic acid indicates abnormal liver function. The normal ratio of cereal grass to cereal C is 0.8:1.5. If the ratio of cereal grass to cereal C is less than 1.0, it indicates chronic, mild hepatitis or acute hepatitis. When the ratio of cereal grass to cereal propane is greater than 1.0, it indicates that it is alcoholic liver disease or drug-induced liver disease. If the ratio of cereal grass to cereal C is greater than 2, it means that it is serious hepatitis or even liver cancer. Therefore, when the ratio of cereal grass to cereal C is low, timely inspection and treatment are needed. It is recommended to check the liver function, followed by the whole item of hepatitis, including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis A and hepatitis E. At the same time, it is also suggested that patients should not blindly use enzyme reducing drugs before the cause of disease is clear, so as to cover up the real situation of the disease. After identifying the cause, we should treat both symptoms and root causes, and actively treat the primary disease while reducing the enzyme, so as to avoid the rebound of the disease.

Cold light bamboo shadow 2024-06-03 12:42:55

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