What causes Meniere's disease

Listen to happiness Ask on 2024-05-18 08:00:17
Recommended answer

The etiology of Meniere's disease is still unknown. The basic pathological change is endolymphatic hydrops. The pathogenesis is mainly the imbalance of endolymphatic production and absorption. The main theories are as follows: 1. The mechanical blockage of endolymphatic vessels and the obstruction of endolymphatic absorption lead to endolymphatic hydrops. 2、 Immune reaction theory: antigen antibody reaction leads to expansion of inner ear hair cells and increase of permeability, and body fluid penetrates into the membrane labyrinth, causing hydrops in the membrane labyrinth. 3、 Inner ear ischemia theory: autonomic nervous function disorder, small blood vessel spasm of the inner ear, leading to tissue hypoxia, metabolic disorder. 4、 Other theories: endolymphatic sac dysfunction theory, virus infection theory, genetics theory, multifactor theory, etc.

Listen to happiness 2024-05-20 12:00:24

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