How to upgrade the vehicle mounted Kailide navigation

Get rid of vanity Ask questions on 2024-06-04 09:43:04
Recommended answer

Cars are coming into more and more families. The new car you just bought will give you a car navigator, which will be upgraded for free within one year. After one year, it will cost a lot of money to upgrade again. Generally, the car navigation is mostly used by Kailide Navigation. Here's how to upgrade Kailide Navigation for free at home

Operation method

Open the software luchang_diy, connect the SD card to the computer, open Navione → NaviResFile, find the NaviConfig.dll file, and drag it to luchang_diy

Luchang_diy will display the original navigation information and record the data of the HD port on a piece of paper for later use

Back up the data in the SD card to prevent upgrade failure. After backup, format the SD card with FAT32

Open the downloaded Kailide main vehicle navigation program, as above, open Navione → NaviResFile in turn, find the NaviConfig.dll file, drag it to luchang_diy, and change the data in the HD port to the data just remembered on the paper

Open the downloaded map package and copy the files in it to the main program Navione folder of the newly modified HD port

Finally, directly copy the modified high-definition port and the main program with the map package to the SD card. All right, after the navigation upgrade, insert the SD card back into the vehicle navigation, turn on the ignition and turn on the navigation, and the familiar picture will appear in front of you

Get rid of vanity 2024-06-07 10:01:03

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