What's wrong with watery leucorrhea before menstruation

Lost Birds Return to the Forest Ask questions at 16:40:51, May 30, 2024
Recommended answer

Under normal circumstances, before menstruation, due to the strong secretion of endometrial glands, the secretion will increase, but this secretion is still milky white and only changes in quantity, without odor or faint fishy smell. If there is a watery leucorrhea before menstruation, and there is a peculiar smell of secretion, we must pay high attention to it. Because if it is endometrial cancer, there will be leucorrhea like swill in clinical practice, and there will be a great odor. It is mainly due to the foul smell of secretion when endometrial cancer is accompanied by infection. It is suggested that in this case, it is better to do B-ultrasound examination to understand the thickness of endometrium and whether there is abnormal echo mass in the endometrium. If necessary, diagnostic curettage should be performed at 6-12 hours of the coming menstrual period.

Lost Birds Return to the Forest 2024-06-03 11:55:41

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