What is the effect of loofah peel

The Kiss of Time Ask questions at 13:56:29, May 14, 2024
Recommended answer

Luffa skin has the effect of strengthening brain and body, and also can regulate immunity. In clinic, luffa peel can be used to assist in the treatment of diseases and symptoms, for example, it can prevent scurvy, improve the activity of brain cells, improve memory, significantly prevent the decline of heart function, and has certain benefits for the prevention of heart disease. Luffa skin can reduce blood lipids, and can also be used clinically to fight allergies. The proper application of loofah peel can also prevent the emergence of malignant tumors, mainly to enhance the human body's immunity, and has a certain effect on preventing the canceration of human cells. The taboo of luffa skin is mainly cold and easy to damage the spleen and stomach, so patients with weak gastrointestinal function should not eat it, and then patients with allergies should not eat it.

The Kiss of Time 2024-05-20 11:18:17

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