What medicine to take for male premature ejaculation

Raise a fire and burn the sky Ask on 2024-05-21 20:27:11
Recommended answer

Male premature ejaculation should first determine whether the short duration of sexual intercourse is caused by high nerve excitement or high glans sensitivity. If you are too excited to control when you are sleeping together, you are often recommended to take orally Bilijin. The medical name is Dapoxetine Hydrochloride, and the effect can be recommended. Or you can take some Chinese patent medicine and Chinese herbal medicine to reduce the excitability to a certain extent. However, if the glans sensitivity is relatively high, it is recommended that the patient go to the Chinese medicine hospital to find a professional male doctor, prescribe some Chinese medicine to soak and eat, and insist on using it for 1-2 months, which can significantly improve the glans sensitivity and thus treat premature ejaculation.

Raise a fire and burn the sky 2024-05-27 11:08:24

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